(slimemachine) (slimemachine)
(slimemachine) (slimemachine) is a fluid practice that began in 2016. The piece is naturally flexible and can be variously presented as an interactive event, performance, workshop, talk, as well as displaying the resulting art objects.
(slimemachine) (slimemachine) is an exploration of narratives and identities fluid and contingent, that emerge momentarily only to dissolve again into primeval substance.
The piece is a vehicle for slime, a powerful and amorphous material which is produced in an alchemical, almost ritual way, and sometimes collaged with printed images, tinfoil, canvas, and other media to create graphic compositions and sculptures. Other artists, the public (often children) and passing onlookers are sometimes invited to make and interact with the slime, and to take or leave their creations as part of the piece. These social interventions as well as the physical and symbolic connections, tell a manifold story that is always in flux.
presented at venues including Thomas Mann House (Los Angeles), School of the Alternative (Black Mountain, NC), Agile Learning Center (Harlem, NY) and NES Artist Residency (Skagaströnd, Iceland), 2016-2019,